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Day 19 - Friday 3rd April 2020

Location: London, UK

COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak


Other jobs

As an actor, I have had many other jobs which are not performing for money.

  • made cocktails (bar work)
  • stacked shelves and beeped produce (supermarket)
  • been very enthusiastic, very early in the morning about lunch while dressed as some kind of food (handed out flyers)
  • welcomed people into places (fundraiser)
  • controlled crowds of people into coaches (really patient)
And higher education administration.

Bit random that last one.  I fell into it many years ago, it kept me fed and in dance shoes and it is what is saving me at the moment!  I am hugely grateful for the work as it is something I can do from home and I realise it puts me in a more privileged position than many of my fellow performers as I am still able to earn.

Finding a job that is both flexible and fulfilling is very hard and I’ve been lucky to find a couple over the years.  As a performer, you are constantly juggling things – earning money, auditioning, preparing, having a life outside acting.

My point is, us performers are multi-skilled, disciplined people with a plethora of transferable skills and we and any potential employers would do well to remember this wonderful thing!


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